Frequently, there arises a need for user manuals or, in certain instances, service manuals. Online sources for these resources are...
Fortunate or not, I’ll be constructing a new home theater room, this time within a prefab house. This means I’ll...
My audio journey goes a long way. Growing up in the late 1980s, every household had a stereo which I...
Now that we have preliminary floor plans, which are unlikely to change, it’s time to assess how much sound absorption...
Due to my limited spatial perception, creating a 3D plan became imperative to resolve all details as optimally as possible....
The initial approach in Vintage ES Theater II to address acoustic treatment involved incorporating 15 cm of built-in house insulation...
Cooling is a vital procedure in all machinery. If you own an N80ES (or another powerful) amplifier, you’ve likely observed...
The construction crew arrived on March 7th, and within days, walls began to emerge rapidly, much like mushrooms sprouting after...
Upon completion of the HVAC tasks, the drywall crew swiftly took over. They began by installing wooden reinforcements for the...
Time to hide all those hoses! The next step involved laying down about 12 cm of thermal (styropor) insulation, installing...